Monday, February 6, 2012

Let me introduce myself......

Dear readers, 

Have you ever been at a party or event or any social setting in which you had to make introductions and completely forgot the rules to do so? I will let you in on a dirty little secret....I have! Many people fail at making introductions by simply not making them. 

It really is not hard to make introductions, I am enclosing my cheat sheet for you:

  • Younger, lower- ranking individuals as well as men should be presented to older, higher-ranking individuals and to women first by saying the latter persons name. Ex. "Mr. Davis, I'd like to introduce you to my brother James" , "Mr. Walton, I'd like to introduce you to Ms. Pierson my administrative assistant", "Emily, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Henry".
  • In casual non formal settings, use a persons full name when introducing. Ex." Emily, this is William Joseph. William this is Emily Adams", and in formal settings (VIP events, galas, work parties, fundraisers, etc) use courtesy titles and last names when making introductions. Ex."Dr. Jones, I'd like to introduce you to my co-worker, Mary Smith".
  • When introducing family members who share your last name, use only their first names when making introductions. Ex. " Please allow me to introduce my Husband, Jack, our children, Emma and John".
After introductions have been made, a simple " Pleasure to meet you" or "It's nice to meet you" will suffice. Don't call someone a nickname, for example if someone is introduced as Charles do not call them Charlie unless they prompt you to do so. Also, when shaking hands, have a firm handshake not a limp handshake nor an over exaggerated handshake. Up  and down three times it perfectly acceptable. 

All in all, just make the effort to recognize others with courtesy, it shows respect and if you sincerely forget a persons name, it is ok to ask them. 

Anyone can be polite to a king. It takes a gentleman to be polite to a beggar