Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Money Money Money

Hi readers!

Sorry I have not been writing recently, so much has been going on! I recently had a terrific weekend with my boyfriend, his sister and his brother-in-law...hosting guests is as much fun as being a guest!

This past weekend I needed to take out some cash from the bank in the city...and I was waiting in line at a very busy ATM observing others getting cash and I noticed little things that I thought I needed to write about. Things I never took into consideration before, but since we all frequent the ATM I thought I should write about it : )

Consider this blog to be about proper manners and tips when at the ATM.

  • Be Quick- This tip is really geared toward winter when your teeth are chattering and your hands are cold, get your card ready, know the amount you want to take out, and do not linger. The person behind you is just as cold and taking your good ol' time at the machine is not appreciated. In general if you are stopping at the ATM to withdrawal money it really is not the time to check balances on all your accounts or make numerous deposits. This is not the time to be a Vanderbilt and move money around : ) If you have multiple  transactions go into the bank when it is open . Plus going inside is fun, you might get a free pen or a lollipop (huge fans of the Dum Dum pops).
  • Stand in a neat line - Why is it so difficult for people to form a neat and orderly line? Do not block crosswalks, pavements or doors. Passerby's will only get aggravated, let us be courteous to those all around us. 
  • This is my dance space and that is your dance space - Give the person using the ATM room. If they can feel your breath on their neck you are way too close! Respect a persons privacy and space.
  • Don't toss your statement - Take your receipt with you, or tear it up into little pieces and trash it, do not, I repeat DO NOT crumble it up and leave it on or next to the machine. You are making yourself vulnerable to identity thieves. 
  • Don't flaunt or announce how much cash you took out. 
  • Don' forget to take your card back and if you see another persons card in the machine, turn it into the bank.
  • Put your cash away and then step away from the machine. 
It is simple little things that make life easy. Something as simple as taking money out of the ATM requires tact and mannerly conduct and makes for a civilized society.

And by the way, Happy Spending!!!


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