Sunday, January 8, 2012

The World is a Stage, so Why Misbehave?

Hello followers,

It has been a while since my last post, the holidays and life took control as well as getting a new puppy! But, I am back and I am ready to post and write and talk about etiquette issues that I notice/d and answer questions or start a discussion based on what you observe/d.

I am having a lazy afternoon watching Metropolitan. I first saw this movie at the Ritz in Philadelphia when I was just a young girl. I highly recommend the film. Description .... (Writer-director Whit Stillman's witty comedy of manners (which won an Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature) pokes gentle fun at a group of upper-class Manhattan preppies who gather regularly to play bridge and engage in intellectual discussion. Led by acerbic cynic Nick (Christopher Eigeman), the coterie adopts "proletariat" Tom Townsend (Edward Clements), who has reservations about his new socialite friends and what they represent.)

After watching this film and then reflecting on some of the behavior that I have noticed of people in their thirties, I complied a list of things that are just not acceptable after a certain age.We have strayed from sitting around with our contemporaries and having in depth conversations about ethics, art, literature or philosophy. I am seeing individuals in their thirties who are holding on so tightly to their twenties and the behavior of their twenties....and I am also viewing this behavior of people who are much older, there has been a shift and I wonder if it is because people are afraid of growing up and getting older?  Maybe I am too old school and I expect more? 

 So here is my bakers dozen...please add to the list!

  1. Calling someone "dude"
  2. Using the terms "sweet" or "nice" when asked for your opinion
  3.  Not having a tidy or clean living space, that means clean toilets, sink and not dirty dishes left in the sink
  4.  Profanity , yes we all use it but we do not need to overuse it, there are so many beautiful words in our language that we can use to express ourselves 
  5. Bottles of empty booze as decoration 
  6. Posters or stickers as decoration 
  7.  Wearing teenagers clothes or shopping in those stores for you wardrobe 
  8. Posting pics of you being "trashed" or talking about how trashed you were and to follow up on that, no keg stands
  9. Not owning a proper overcoat, dress shoes or suit - this holds true for both men and women
  10.  Body noises of any kind, excuse yourself if need be
  11. Not having table manners
  12. Gossip
  13. Not having personal and professional career goals of any kind

As we enter the world from young sophomoric adults and evolve and emerge into adults with jobs , there are certain roles and responsibilities that come along with that. I am not saying we can not have fun or be silly or have a childlike nature, I am just saying that after a certain age, one must grow up and become a respectable, ethically sound,morally cognizant and responsible  contributor to society. 

Be well my dear friends, happy New Year and may all of our dreams come true!!!

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