Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Business Attire Cheat Sheet

Hello my dear followers,

I have been absent and I apologize, so much going on! Vacation to San Fran, LOVED IT and a fun new chapter in my life has started...stay tuned for all the details : )

Recently,I have been observing some business attire and realized a Do's and Don'ts for men and women was very much naturally I designed one.

Business Attire Do's & Don'ts MEN :

  • DO wear you suit jacket when you conduct business outside the office, go to events and meet new clients. 
  • DO make sure your shoes are polished and have good soles.
  • DO wear a belt that matches your dress shoes, if your pants have loops then you wear a belt. 
  • DO keep hair and nails neat and clean. Men you do need haircuts often to look polished and biting your nails and leaving them ragged is a no-no. Even if you work with your hands, please keep them neat. 
  • DO wear appropriate jewelry, a watch and a wedding ring is sufficient. 
  • DO NOT overpower your appearance with heavy cologne. 
  • DO NOT wear short-sleeved shirts under your suit coat, showing a clean cuff is a must. 
  • DO NOT wear a dark undershirt under your dress shirt, only white, no exceptions.  
  • DO NOT wear ankle socks or light colored socks with a dark suite. 

Business Attire Do's & Don'ts for WOMEN:

  • DO wear comfortable shoes ( no stilettos), a nice pump that is polished and has good soles and hosiery (nude or black) no textured or outlandish tights. 
  • DO wear natural makeup.
  • DO wear appropriate jewelry...diamond studs, a necklace, wedding band or engagement ring and a watch, nothing too over the top or trendy. 
  • Do keep hair and nails neat and clean, trim off dead ends and keep nails short and painted either a light pink or neutral color, no red daggers!
  • DO NOT overpower your appearance with too much perfume. 
  • DO NOT wear elaborate hairstyles. 
  • DO NOT wear jeans or casual slacks or mini skirts.
** note these do's and don'ts can change depending on the industry that you work in , for example, if you work in fashion, your outfit may be more expressive, but these tips are the basics and will keep you looking smart and neat**

Every man and woman should invest in one nice suit and shoes to match. Thankfully we have stores that cater to every budget. Make sure your clothes fit you well and sales people are there to help with measurements and invest in a good tailor. Sometimes the first impression is the only impression, so put your best foot forward!


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