Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Get Your Elbows off the Table!

Good morning my readers,

Such a cozy rainy day , I am settled in with a hot cup of coffee, a cat snuggled up on my lap and of course more helpful information : )

I love to dine out, I love to dine in, I love to host friends over for dinner but what I can't stand is bad table manners. You do not have to be at a 5 star restaurant to pull out all the stops, it should just be part of your everyday  dining decorum. As my mom use to say " Tara if you do not make it habit and you act slovenly at home, when  you are out you will act the same way" so naturally I had to practice at home and a good habit takes 30 days to master and now I am a seasoned dining participant!

So here are a few friendly reminders when dining in or out:

  • Sit up straight, do not hunch over your plate or the table
  • Keep your elbows in and do not rest them on the table
  • Spread your napkin over your lap when you are seated (large dinner napkins are half-folded and small napkins are opened full size)
  • At the end of a meal, leave the napkin semi-folded to the right of your plate
  • Do wait until all guests are served before you start eating
  • Always start by using the silverware farthest from your plate and work your way in with each course
  • Pass everything to the right
  • Eat in small bites and slowly, no need to shovel the food in, and do not talk and chew
Here are some major DON'TS:
  • DO NOT blow your nose in your napkin
  • DO NOT reach in front of a person
  • DO NOT help yourself from a dish first
  • DO NOT blow on food to cool it or blow over your plate
  • DO NOT crunch your crackers in your soup
  • DO NOT leave your spoon in your coffee or tea, place it on the saucer next to the cup
  • DO NOT stack your dishes
  • DO NOT drink with food in your mouth
Now, I have to admit, occasionally I have strayed at home alone in front of the t.v watching a juicy movie while having a pig out session : ) but when hosting a dinner party, family gathering or dining out, these are the basic rules to follow. Happy dining and happy eating!


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