Monday, May 14, 2012

Tipping...No you don't do this to cows!

Hello my lovely mannerly readers!

I hope all the mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day! I was able to spend the day with both my maternal grandmother and my mother, we spent the day in the lovely town of Cape May, NJ taking in the sea air, the sounds of the waves and indulging in some food and window shopping.

We had dinner at a cute cafe and shared stories and laughter. My grandmother wanted to leave a tip, and naturally my father slipped me more money to leave on the table for our server : ) We are the customary 20% percent tippers and my grandmother is the depression era lady who will leave a nice tip and calculate it down to the penny.  Is she cheap? No, she just counts her pennies. But it got me thinking, " I wonder if people really know what a good tip is or what to tip" ..... so back home I went and came up with a little guideline.

Tipping Do's for Dining Out:

  • Maitre d' - To secure a good table $5.
  • Waiter/Waitress - 15-20% percent of the bill, I lean towards 20% and have been known to leave more if the waiter/waitress was exceptionally helpful and was able to make good recommendations. 
  • Wine Steward - 10% of the wine bill.
  • Coat Check - $1 per coat or item they are storing for you.
  • Door Attendant - $1-2 for a taxi.
  • Parking Valet - $1-2 per use, if you have a deluxe vehicle and want it parked out front, then $5.
  • Bathroom Valet - $1.
I am NOT a math person and the idea of complex math makes me want to break out in hives! But here is a simple way to calculate the tip.....Chop the last number off the total on the bill and move the decimal point over one spot to the left...that will give you 10% percent of the bill. That is your starting point and from there you can figure the 15% or 20% percent. Simple! 

***Note, if you a large party dining, the establishment may automatically tack on a 15% percent grat on the bill***

Happy dining!

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