Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lady in Red

Good evening my fellow ladies!

When I was dressing yesterday morning I discovered a new way to see what I own in my closet...let me rant for a moment : ) I have a double door closet that yearns and dreams of being a California Closet. It is stuffed to the gills with end of summer/early fall clothes and then I have the attic for winter clothes, dresses and pieces I do not wear all the time and do not let me fail to mention the shoes and purses stuffed in various locations throughout my bedroom....Phew! Ok, so here is the new trick to getting dressed. Lay on the floor of your closet and look up at your clothes...WAIT before you tell me I am silly, it totally works!

I get "wardrobe block" .... sometimes it all looks the same or I just feel like I have worn it a thousand times, and I KNOW you KNOW what I mean. So, as a lady trying to save money and live on a budget I decided to fall in love with my clothes again, but I needed a different viewpoint and approach. Voila! Laying on the floor and looking up, now I have a new perspective and I can see what I own and start piecing items together, and if I may brag, the last two days my outfits have been really cute : ) I put items together that I normally would not have and the outfits were simple, chic and totally casual lady-like, perfect for work and after work activities.

Black Kitten Heels
Gray A-Line Skirt
Black Belt with a funky silver belt buckle
Black Shell with a Bow at the neck
Black Cardigan tossed over my shoulders
Silver Studs
Silver Bangles

Brown Suede Mules
Raspberry A-Line Cord Skirt
Tan Shell
Tan Sweater with Ruffles down the front
Diamond Studs
Gold Necklace with a "T" Charm

I love clothes but I feel like I look at the items as a uniform and do not explore mixing patterns, textures, colors or dressy with casual. Well the past two days I have broken out of my mold for dressing.

Another little tip, look at magazines and clip out pictures of outfits you like and post them in a look book or in your closet for inspiration, I bet you have all the staples and can make a similar outfit like one that you like in the fashion magazine.

Now I open the blogging world up to you to give us an outfit idea or items that you put together that look great....us ladies can always use another ladies advice!

Happy dressing!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Manners at work

Good evening my readers : )

I wanted to write to you tonight but I fear I may be lacking a certain enthusiastic zeal, I seem to be fighting off a cold that I acquired at work (workplaces are HUGE germ centers)! Remember to take Vit C, wash your hands frequently and Lysol your phone and keyboard : )

Many of us lovely ladies are rising in the ranks in the workplace, we are seeking higher educational degrees and going for the gold. Nothing is holding us back...or is it? Could our personal manners at work be approved upon?

Many of us work alongside men and we may at times try to fit in by telling a joke or participating in a conversation about sports,music, travel or the recent blockbuster hit, but let us also remember we are ladies first and foremost and that crude jokes are inappropriate as well as fowl language. It is ok to be feminine and still play in the big league with an all male team. We can bat a thousand wearing skirts, stilettos, pink lip gloss all while sporting a demure demeanor as our uniform on the field.

Here is a small list of bad manners that should never be displayed in the workplace:

1. Bad Language (four letter words are a BIG no no)
2. Gossiping...this habit does not help you bond with co-workers, it makes you look bad, jealous and catty and your boss may wonder what you say about him/her or about your clients
3.Drinking on the job, this includes work lunches and work parties (drinking makes you loosen up and who knows what you may say or how you may act, stick to club soda with a lemon slice)
4.Leaving the office without telling anyone - stop by your supervisors desk, a co-workers or your boss and just say a polite goodnight, if they are out of the office or unavailable shoot them a quick email
5. Discussing your clients info outside of the office - this is a breach of trust and you are sharing personal business info that maybe be confidential
6.Taking personal calls - once in a while this is ok, but a constant stream of personal calls is not good, save a personal call for an emergency and ask first, do not abuse the privilege
7. Divulging too much personal information - the workplace does not need to know about your personal relationships, drama at home, fights with your children etc, leave it at the door

This is just a small list of things that I have encountered or experienced...this list could go on and on. It is important that we keep our personal self and our personal life outside of the workplace and when we are in the workplace it is important to carry ourselves with manners and proper workplace etiquette. We get too chummy at work and sometimes forget our place. You can be friendly and social, but keep in mind that your boss may be observing you and first impressions are not the only impressions that count.

A great resource for this information is the Ladders.com. The Ladders offers a wide array of services, job offerings, resume writing services and business tips for the executive.

Also companies should look into Corporate Civility for their employees, managers and department heads. This is a service that I can provide more information on if anyone reading this has an interest. This can be constructed as an on-site lecture or training or a manual can be written for a specific industry and department.

Be well my dear readers : )


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Well Crafted Letter

In this world of texting, emailing and facebooking it is refreshing to receive a card or handwritten letter in the mail. This little gesture conveys so much....a person was thinking of you and took the time out of their day to sit down and craft a message to you. It shows respect.

How many times have you gotten a "thank you" email or an "evite"? Electronic communication is acceptable for short notes.

Do not get me wrong,I love that I can get in contact quickly with friends and family members via a text, i.m or email, but there are times that a lady needs to sit down and craft a message. And let us not forget the fun of shopping for stationary and cards!!! I just purchased this set. I have a box filled with cards, paper, notes cards and postcards.

So here we go.....if one is to write a nice letter one needs to be prepared : )

Cards (thank you, invites, birthday etc) ** choose cards that are appropriate to the event or person**
Good quality paper (off white is my fav)
Monogrammed stationary
Nice pen --- I like the Sharpie thin marker pens
Stamps-the post office has so many pretty ones
Return address lables

Things to NOT put in your/on cards, notes or envelops:
Confetti - such a mess
Stickers - cute when you are 5 but not as an adult
Tape - tacky

One important piece of advice, send a thank you card at least 48hours after receiving a gift or having been hosted at an event or having been a house-guest. This way the gift and the visit are still fresh in your mind.

Types of notes/letters that can be written:
1. Thank you note
        Gift (bridal & baby shower, engagement & wedding, birthday, anniversary)
        Monetary Gift
        House Guest
2. Condolence
3. RSVP (if you can not attend)
4. Leaving for an extended period of time (job transfer, traveling overseas for months on end, semester abroad)
5. The Dear (insert name) Letter a.k.a "The Break-Up Letter"
6. Letter to a friend just because

I recently sent a card to someone and they sent one in return and it was such a lovely surprise to get ...when I checked my mail and saw the yellow envelope I could not wait to go sit down and open the card. They stated in the card how nice it was for them to have gotten my card and that is was a lost art corresponding to each other.

Something is lost we when are in such a rush to hit send on an email or send a text, in our haste and sense for expediency something is lost... personal touch is lost. A well crafted note, letter or card is a gift we give someone, so let us all start sending each other gifts!

Happy writing my friends : )

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!

These three phrases have become so commonplace when we are addressing each other:

1. Like
2. Ummm
3. You Know

Communication is a way to convey information, a feeling or an idea. In this world of LOL's, BRB's and OMG's and other computer mediated language it is no wonder we have come to accept brevity in our thoughts and in how we communicate to each other face-to-face and over the phone. I am guilty of using the above phrases on more than one occasion and frankly it is laziness, it only takes a second more to find the right word to get your message across.

Listen to the great speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, or read the wonderful poetry of Emily Dickinson and see what words and language and well thought out sentences sound like.....music to the ears : )

1. The word "like" is filler when one does not know how to accurately describe something and it has made its way into  too many conversations .  "He is like really interesting" - well is he interesting or not? Like requires a similarity to something else such as the candy was tart like an apple. Like is a reference point that links one thing to another.

2. Ummm - again filler when one does not know what to say. "The party was ummm so much fun, it was like filled with ummm interesting people" Ummm is a sound, not really a word.

3. You know - nope I do not unless you tell me about it. "That party was umm you know so much fun umm it was like filled with interesting people you know"...so is it a question or a statement and NO I do not know.

How about " The party was really a great time, it had an assorted crowd of guests that were really interesting to speak with" , now we have a statement and clarity.

So I have made a commitment to delete these words from my daily vernacular in order to clearly communicate and express myself, it will take a moment more but at least the receiver will understand what I am talking about.

What phrases or fillers do people you know use? Let us compile a list.


Attending a charity event, launch, premiere or VIP event

How to behave.....

I frequently have to attend charity events, VIP events,fundraiser, art opening ,product launches and the like in my line of work. When attending such events as a guest who was invited or hosting the event for work it is imperative to attend with a sense of panache so when you leave and everyone talks about the event the next day at the water cooler they NEVER say "Geez she was such a hot mess"...in this case bad personal public relations is not good public relations!

Here are a few of my tips

Be fashionable late
Show up with an entourage - you and guest means just that
Drink too much
Don't wear anything too loud--subtle patterns and colors are just fine
Douse yourself with perfume
If a celebrity is in attendance, do not become a stalker and a crazed fan
Tell crude jokes
Leave during speeches unless it is an emergency
Talk during speeches
Take more than one gift bag
Be the last to leave

RSVP on time
Dress up, cocktail attire and or business attire are fine unless black-tie is noted on the invite
Limit comments and become a good listener
Congratulate the winner, honoree etc

Some of these events are professional in nature and you should treat them that way. You are encouraged to mingle and network, but this is not the time for a sales pitch, take the persons card and follow up a few days later with a nice email or card.

Many times I have had to go straight to an event from work. Give yourself about 20 mins of prep time to freshen up. Always have a small bag of supplies in your work satchel.
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Deodorant
  • Hair Brush
  • Loose face powder or oil absorbing tissue
  • Mascara
  • Lip Gloss
After brushing your teeth, fluffing your hair and touching up your face, you will feel revived and ready to go. Take a deep breath....and switch from work mode to event mode...leave work at the door. You want to have fresh energy when you arrive and not get to the event and unleash your work day on other guests.

Remember the well manner lady who handles herself with grace andcharm gets invited to more parties : )