Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!

These three phrases have become so commonplace when we are addressing each other:

1. Like
2. Ummm
3. You Know

Communication is a way to convey information, a feeling or an idea. In this world of LOL's, BRB's and OMG's and other computer mediated language it is no wonder we have come to accept brevity in our thoughts and in how we communicate to each other face-to-face and over the phone. I am guilty of using the above phrases on more than one occasion and frankly it is laziness, it only takes a second more to find the right word to get your message across.

Listen to the great speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, or read the wonderful poetry of Emily Dickinson and see what words and language and well thought out sentences sound like.....music to the ears : )

1. The word "like" is filler when one does not know how to accurately describe something and it has made its way into  too many conversations .  "He is like really interesting" - well is he interesting or not? Like requires a similarity to something else such as the candy was tart like an apple. Like is a reference point that links one thing to another.

2. Ummm - again filler when one does not know what to say. "The party was ummm so much fun, it was like filled with ummm interesting people" Ummm is a sound, not really a word.

3. You know - nope I do not unless you tell me about it. "That party was umm you know so much fun umm it was like filled with interesting people you know"...so is it a question or a statement and NO I do not know.

How about " The party was really a great time, it had an assorted crowd of guests that were really interesting to speak with" , now we have a statement and clarity.

So I have made a commitment to delete these words from my daily vernacular in order to clearly communicate and express myself, it will take a moment more but at least the receiver will understand what I am talking about.

What phrases or fillers do people you know use? Let us compile a list.


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