Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Attending a charity event, launch, premiere or VIP event

How to behave.....

I frequently have to attend charity events, VIP events,fundraiser, art opening ,product launches and the like in my line of work. When attending such events as a guest who was invited or hosting the event for work it is imperative to attend with a sense of panache so when you leave and everyone talks about the event the next day at the water cooler they NEVER say "Geez she was such a hot mess"...in this case bad personal public relations is not good public relations!

Here are a few of my tips

Be fashionable late
Show up with an entourage - you and guest means just that
Drink too much
Don't wear anything too loud--subtle patterns and colors are just fine
Douse yourself with perfume
If a celebrity is in attendance, do not become a stalker and a crazed fan
Tell crude jokes
Leave during speeches unless it is an emergency
Talk during speeches
Take more than one gift bag
Be the last to leave

RSVP on time
Dress up, cocktail attire and or business attire are fine unless black-tie is noted on the invite
Limit comments and become a good listener
Congratulate the winner, honoree etc

Some of these events are professional in nature and you should treat them that way. You are encouraged to mingle and network, but this is not the time for a sales pitch, take the persons card and follow up a few days later with a nice email or card.

Many times I have had to go straight to an event from work. Give yourself about 20 mins of prep time to freshen up. Always have a small bag of supplies in your work satchel.
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Deodorant
  • Hair Brush
  • Loose face powder or oil absorbing tissue
  • Mascara
  • Lip Gloss
After brushing your teeth, fluffing your hair and touching up your face, you will feel revived and ready to go. Take a deep breath....and switch from work mode to event mode...leave work at the door. You want to have fresh energy when you arrive and not get to the event and unleash your work day on other guests.

Remember the well manner lady who handles herself with grace andcharm gets invited to more parties : )

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